
Tax and Wealth Planning - Free Online Guide Launched By Deloitte

Deloitte LLP recently announced the publication of a free online guide to tax and wealth planning, which has been designed to guide and advise taxpayers with their personal financial decisions with regards to the impending changes in legislation. This comprehensive, informative, yet easy to use guide was published under the title ’2011 Essential Tax and Wealth Planning Guide’ and may be downloaded by anyone for free from the Deloitte website.

Julia Cloud, who is a partner with Deloitte Tax LLP, as well as being the national leader of its private client advisors practice, issued the following statement regarding this new guide to tax and wealth planning: “Major decisions will be made in the coming year in Washington, and personal finances will undoubtedly feel the impact. It is important that individuals plan despite these uncertain times in order to protect assets as changes are enacted. Deloitte’s planning guide focuses on several areas to help with today’s planning needs: income taxes, wealth transfer taxes, potential impact of increasing tax rates, tax planning for those who reside in multiple states or countries, and considerations for private businesses. Deloitte’s guide helps taxpayers better understand their personal tax position and develop plans necessary to protect their financial position.”

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