
We are most fortunate at StarGlobalTribune.com to be blessed with a team of incredibly committed writers. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds, but each one is a true professional…

Peter Spafford

Peter is the Chief Editor of StarGlobalTribune.com and has 11 years of journalism experience. He’s got a knack for telling what makes a news story hot, and is a trusted mentor to the rest of the team.

Blake Hartman

Blake is an accountant by training, and now enjoys writing about the financial industry and the economy.

Eric Lee

Eric is our editor for the lifestyle-focused sections of the site, and is also in charge of travel-related news.

Matthew Bennett

Matthew has always been a self-declared “health nut,” so we have entrusted him keep us updated with the latest health issues.

Mervin Hughes

Mervin graduated from the University of Queensland and now contributes to our business and finance sections.

Sandy Johnson

Sandy is an Arts graduate, and looks after our consumer product and retail news.

Suzanne March

Suzanne has traveled round the world, and is the best person to help guide us to the newest hot travel spot.
