
Lung Cancer - New Study Reveals That Eating Variety Of Fruits Can Reduce Cancer Risk

A recent study that aimed to establish the efficacy of consuming fruits in order to prevent the development of lung cancer, has concluded that the quantity as well as the variety of fruit consumed has a direct impact on the risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer. The results of the study showed that the risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer can be reduced by over 23 percent by simply consuming an increased variety of fruits. This study was commissioned by The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) and was carried out by researchers in over ten countries.

María José Sánchez Pérez, the Director of the Granada Cancer Registry at the Andalusian School of Public Health, and the co-author of this study, issued the following comment regarding the findings of this study: “This research looks more deeply into the relationship between diet and lung cancer. Aside from the amount consumed, it’s also important to take into account the variety. A varied diet reduces the risk of developing this cancer, above all in smokers. A significant link was only found in smokers. For every two additional units of different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the diet, the risk of lung cancer falls significantly by 3%. So if smokers increase the variety of fruit they eat they could have a lower risk of developing this type of cancer”.

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